Unfortunately, "let them be" doesn't quite work in a society that is already tearing itself to pieces, and if "over-correction" is not stopped--or atminimum publically criticized--then it amount to a tacit acceptance of hate, division, segregation becomes the norm. The author only misses the point if your advocacy of moral cowardice in the face of a corrupt and destructive ideology is the best solution. Although I'm not very hopeful at this point, I still believe that there is a chance that Americaca can still transcend its destructive fixation on race and identity politics. There is still a chance for unity, for not defining ourselvessolely based on group membership, for finding common ground, for real "wokeness," that is, waking up to the fact that it is imbecilic and primitive to judge others based on shallow, immutable characteristics like skin color. If you're okay with hate groups dictating the agenda, eliminating our cultural values, tolerance, inclusion, kindness, respect, forgiveness, then please...by all means pull up a lawn chair and grab a glass of lemonade so you can silently watch everything good about us go down in flames.