This is the message contained in the rant: people with ideals are stupid, because they're really just liars, suckers and basically evil--meaning everyone not in my tribe. Anyone who disagrees on any point is also irredeemably evil. The writer is so fearful of people with ideological differences of any kind that they must be "found out and expelled from the movement." Disagreement equals sedition/heresey. There is a revolution going on, a war. We have to fight. Raise those fists up, people. Our anger proves our righteousness. Our insults prove our intelligence. This sort of tripe would have played well in the Middle Ages with one religious group warring against another. Rage is easy to dish, and peppering a stream of insults and bad faith arguments with a few science-y sounding bits of claptrap like "bio-essentialist" might even fool a few people into thinking its purpose is to inform. Unfortunately, as lovely as it is to conjure scapegoats and wag a stern (and threatening) finger at most of the rest of the human race, other people are not the enemy. Not even glorious abstractions like "the degenerating capitalist class" are the enemy. The real enemy--if you must have one, if you can only feel alive when fighting against an adversarry--is arrogance, stupdity, and the worst of all, anger itself. All of which comes from within. Fighting for freedom wouldn't be necessary if so many people were not imprisoned by their own caustic rage. Romanticisizing rage (the "revolution") only further entrenches you in it. Self-styled leftist "revolutionaries" and right-wing "defenders of freedom" all sound exactly alike when they make their self-aggrandizing arguments, spewing their hate all over the rest of us. Extremists on both sides give their hate the air of nobility by calling it "activism," but spewing rage is not constructive, doesn't build common ground, accomplishes nothing and in fact is as destructive as it is futile. I suppose it is "active" though. You can pretend you're on some special mission, but the idea that you are morally superior to the people you condemn is absolutely laughable. You are the only obstacle to your liberation. I have pity for rageaholics, but I also fear them: they're constantly trying to bully, intimidate and poison others with their highly infectious contagion, and even for those who are immune, it pollutes the physical and virtual spaces shared by all. It saddens and disgusts me that more and more of these kind of thoughtless, angry, unoriginal rants keep polluting my virtual spaces. They are not just a waste of space. They hurt people. Is there anyone left (whatever their politics: >gasp<) who has something kind, witty or thoughtful to say??? Or even just, semi-mature? If so, please step up. The world desperately needs to hear from you.