This alone is sedition in today's culture of fear, anger, and silence, yet it is only through open discourse and tolerance of differing viewpoints that peace coexistence be possible--not just between people with differing views of trans philosophy, but with differing views of anything. As a kid I was taught that it was more important to get along than to be right, that forbeance and civility were the marks of maturity, strength of character and wisdom. Today it is the opposite. Hated are the peacemakers. I do not hear anyone talk about strength of character anymore, and people continually debase themselves and others at the alter of righteous indignation. More's the pity, because the best parts of our humanity are the traits of the healer, not the warrior: empathetic listening, tolerance, forgiveness, finding and building common groundamongst seemingly disparate tribes. If we do not quickly regain and retain the vestiages of these qualities, nurture them and evangelize their existence, our own existence will soon be in jeopardy. Thank you for the well-reasoned, thoughtful words.