These woke censors likely never read any of the works they set out to destroy before they began their brutal task. These revisions are no different than Nazi book burnings or the Taliban blowing up Buddhist statues, but unlike those more crude attempts at erasure, these are far more insidious because they know what they're doing is wrong and try to fly under the radar. They are done out of fear, out of fascist paranoia. I tend to think the best way to fight fire is with fire. What we need are parodies and satires of woke culture to highlight the futility, absurdity, and sheer stupidity of their "work." Erasing history and literature leaves a void that future generations will not be able to fill. The far left and the far right are exactly the same in their methods, and equally morally bereft. We need a labeling system so that we can identify books that haven't been tampered with. There should be a law mandating that ever revised woke book have a bright red warning label, and every altered sentence should be highlighted in the text. Furthermore, the names, contact info and office addresses of each censor should be prominently displayed in the book. They should get credit for their hard work, after all. If they have nothing to be ashamed of then none of these proposals should be problematic.