
Plume of Poison indeed! This sense of arrogant entitlement is what filthy rich pigs use to make class war on the rest of us. California is a wasteland hellscape because people have to live 50 to an apartment and darn their socks to survive. What happens when the have's price out the have not's and they can't find anyone to pick their crops and make their lattes for them? The wealthy parasites race north to the next feeding trough of "cheap land" (by their standards anyway...) and do the same thing, overrunning the rest of us like a plague of locusts replicating their unbalanced and unlivable template for societal destruction. Please, Poison Plume, you stay in California and keep it. Just don't leave it to visit the destruction of your greed on the rest of us.



Dash Fire Diaries
Dash Fire Diaries

Written by Dash Fire Diaries

Envisioning a past that never was. Step through a surreal portal where objective truth, imagined history and satirical fiction coexist.

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