Indeed. And it's not that I think all warning labels are ill-intended. The warnings on pill bottles save lives. But in the case of books, movies and music I ask, what are we "saving" people from? By and large, we have forgotten that there is a world of difference between being harmed versus being offended, the latter being harmful only to one's ego. The more that difference is conflated, the more people will call for bans and boycotts to anything they find personally objectionable, without ever realizing that tastes, values, and cultural norms differ greatly between groups and individuals. We are quickly losing the sense that the world is bigger than our private selves, and our personal travails. That loss is causing a profound cultural shift, as it encouraging people to be more defensive and self-centered. If we lose the ability to understand (or care about) where others different from ourselves are coming from, perpetual strife will be what we reap from the ashes of our progressive values.