I wasn't sure if this was satire until I read the last line. If this isn't a joke, it's sure a hell of a punch line. The only person dumber than the person who would take such actions, is the person who would write a 1500 word essay about it in an attempt to throw themselves a pity party. Hilarious also that such a person consistently bemoans the negative judgment they know is coming, while ending their manifesto with a snide, moralistic admonition. A casual observer might suggest that the best way to avoid others' negative judgements is to avoid taking repeated actions that hurt other people, then loudly bragging about it on the internet. If this wasn't a joke or a pity party, then it's an unabashed celebration of stupidity, and the reasonable "judgements" others have made about it has restored some of my waning faith in humanity. The only party deserving any sympathy (if indeed any of this melodrama is true) is the poor child, who owes its entire existence to the selfishness of its parents, a child who will one day see the whole sordid story of its existence plastered across the internet as a banal, tawdry tale used by their mother to milk strangers for pity. I see this and I think even growing up hated by my parents was a better fate than that, because as morally bereft as they are, my parents at least had enough shame to not try to fool anyone about their true character, or try to make a virtue of what they knew was wrong and pedal it to strangers as some kind of reality-TV morality fable. This is why people should be required to get years of training and a license before being allowed the privilege of becoming a parent. Its no wonder the world suffers so much when half of its offspring are the progeny of bored, lonely, horny people who make babies because they can't make friends or find something better to do with their lives. What a disgusting story. If you have a shred of respect for your unborn child, your paramour, the wife you could care less about, or yourself, you will delete the whole thing and pray that your kid will never find out about it when they come of age. And if this is a joke (please say it is!), let the rest of us in on it, so we can rinse the taste of it from our minds.