I don't understand what you mean by "peak liberalism." You have aptly outlined a number of labels. If you are trying to imply that who should be enemies with whom is not something I'm concerned with, you are correct. Creating or assigning pejorative labels to people for the purpose of attacking them is at best, a hollow exercise and at worst, a destructive one. Rather than trying to place people into categories and treat them accordingly, which separates them from their humanity, I would rather do away with labels, ideology and belief systems altogether.--they are a poor substitute for reality. Oh, but what about people who dehumanize me or others? Shouldn't I spend my life's energy trying to strip them of their humanity? Don't they deserve it? People are all good or evil right? The problem with this (including that it isn't true), is that it doesn't do anything to advance our species. It doesn't help anone. It doesn't help me be a more humble, compassionate, kind person. All it does is temporarily inflate one person's ego whilst setting up a false dichotomy and encouraging dischord and unhappiness. The "enemy" if there is one, is not fascists. The enemy is not the bogeyman. The enemy is the worse half of our own selves. The enemy is anger, envy, judgment, rigidity, stereotyping, ego, insecurity and refusal to forgive. Striking out at others in violence is the ultimate expression of weakness, forbearance the ultimate strength.