At the end of the day, all the quoting of Marx and snarky history lessons are nothing more than a psuedo-intellectual justification to strip others of their humanity and brutalize them...any third-grader could have summed up your argument more cogently and without all the extraneous social analysis: an eye for an eye. They did it to me so I'll do it to them. I wonder how many other wannabe dictators there are out there--judging others and squawking about the ills of facism from one corner of their mouth while openly fantasizing about weilding and abusing power over others--only the evildoers, of course. It is truly remarkable how little consciousness of the irony and hypocricy (or for that matter any faults whatsoever) extremist demagogues have. It amazes me how similar both in tone and content many of the statements are that spew from militant ideologues on the far left and on the far right. I used to think they made strange bedfellows. I don't anymore. They're exactly the same. They both seek the same thing, to use the world and the people in it as props for their one-dimensional warmongering crusades. But after their "blood and iron" fantasies (sorry to criticize the noted humanitarian and egalitarian member of the proletariat quoted here: Otto von Bismarck) have been fulfilled, and their lust for vengeance sated and they've completed their stated goal of destroying the world...I do hope that they will have the courtesy to step aside from the smoking ruins they've proudly created and allow the adults to do the dirty, uneviable, unromantic work of building a world where we can all peacefully coexist. That work lacks the adrenaline high of online rants, calls to violence, perpetrating violence, making war. But it's the only work worth participating in, if you aren't so soured on humanity that you actually believe it has a future. Maybe you don't believe it, but closer to the truth, I think is that you don't want to believe it...because it's so much easier to be at war than it is to try to learn to live with people you dislike.